The Odds Are Against Us

Warriors pitted against overwhelming odds is the theme of this Oren Litwin edited anthology.

My contribution is “Titus, My Brother.” 

Set against the backdrop of the Boudicca rebellion in Roman Britain, comrades Titus and Appius face a slew of “barbarians” that have risen up against Rome, taken Camulodunum, and are intent on autonomy.

As they prepare on the eve of battle, the two exchange thoughts about the nature of soldiering, and the age-old question, “What do soldiers fight for?”

There are no easy answers, though, and the next day, battle is engaged. It is a battle in which these Roman soldiers face long odds against them… and will perhaps discover where the heart of that question lies.

Author’s note: This book is written under my real name to differentiate it from my crime fiction. In addition to my own story, this anthology contains a tale from my friend and co-author, Jim Wilsky.