Think of Laura

A Stefan Kopriva Mystery #5

When private investigator Stefan Kopriva is asked to find Laura Shelton, it isn’t clear if she is on the run, missing, or dead.

Kopriva learns that, after years of embezzlement, Laura’s crime is discovered. Before her employer or the police can act, she disappears. Her sister hopes she’s alive and safe, but the deeper Kopriva digs, the more he doubts that outcome.

Kopriva wades through the possibilities – that she fled with money, or was killed for it. If the former, where to? And, if the latter, who could have done it? Her inattentive, philandering husband? The vengeful daughter of the owner of the business? Or someone else entirely?


Coming Soon!

Get the next in the series! (Think of Laura (Kopriva #6) coming in early 2025!)