Friend of the Departed

A Stefan Kopriva Mystery #3

When defense attorney Joel Harrity asks Kopriva to look into a prospective client’s guilt or innocence in the murder of her husband, he reluctantly agrees. He quickly discovers that answers to even the simplest of questions are nearly impossible to find. The deeper Kopriva digs, the more no one seems to want him to find the truth behind the death of Harrity’s friend.

Faced with a possible murderer that won’t answer questions, a police department asking the wrong people the wrong questions, and threats of violence from an unknown source, Kopriva forges on, determined to discover the truth….even if it kills him.

Author’s Note: It had been a few years since I slipped inside Stefan Kopriva’s mind, and the chance to follow him on his slow road to emotional recovery fascinated me. At the same time, since many readers have rightly called him my “whipping boy,” I knew that journey was going to remain a painful one for him.

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“The Stefan Kopriva books are a great series. Interesting characters, a mystery that seems at the right level…not too vast. I love that things aren’t tied up with a neat bow. Things don’t always work out great. Sometimes it’s just the best you can do at the time. I like that Kopriva gets beat up, he doesn’t win every fight. He doesn’t always know how to proceed in his investigations. The solutions he comes up with seem in keeping with his character. I hope for more books in this series.”
– Sharon McKenna, from a 5-star Amazon review

“Stefan Kopriva is still in there pitching – still trying to make a difference in an uncaring world – still struggling under the burden of a tragic mistake he made that helped cause an innocent child to lose her life! The insights into police thought processes and procedures alone are enough to make this a great read!”
– Peter R. Divergilio, from a 5-star Amazon review

“I loved this book, could not put it down. I think this was the best one I read so far. I can’t wait for more!”
– Connie A. Irvine, from a 5-star Amazon review

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