First Line — Lovely, Dark, and Deep

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Pretty straightforward first line, huh? The paragraph that follows expounds on this idea a little more, which makes it a bit of a better first line in context, but as first lines go, whattaya think?

I’m going to say a solid C.

Your take?


Not only was this the second Kopriva novel, it also saw some scenes with Katie MacLeod, as well as Dominic Bracco and Rolo.

Katie, as any loyal reader will tell you, is a major River City character. She and Stef had a bit of a thing before his departure from the job. Now, they find themselves on opposite sides of a situation.

Rolo was in Waist Deep, the first in the Kopriva series. This character is a creation of Colin Conway, and appeared in our collaborative novel, Some Degree of Murder. The relationship between Rolo and Kopriva in this novel is markedly different, though.

This marks the first time Dominic Bracco has made it into a River City-related novel, though he does appear in multiple River City short stories, including “The Meatcutter’s Wife,” “Dead Even,” and the Derringer finalist, “Rescuing Isaac.”

Source: All The Madness In My Soul

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